Maple Leaf HIFU And EDAP Continue North American Success At Canadian Conference
EDAP TMS S.A. (Nasdaq: EDAP), the global leader in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment of prostate cancer, announced continued growth and success treating patients in Canada at the Don Mills Surgical Unit in Toronto. The Canadian urologists discussed the success of Ablatherm-HIFU treatment in locally confined prostate cancer cases and clinical data demonstrating effectiveness of the Ablatherm-HIFU device in both early stage and radiation failure patients at the recent Canadian Urological Association meeting held in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
"We were very pleased with the level of interest at the recent CUA conference," said David Lowy, President of Maple Leaf HIFU. "We continue to find doctors very interested in HIFU and the Ablatherm device because it offers very clear clinical evidence. The Ablatherm is also attractive because it includes specialized protocols assigned for different patient cases, which address the unique physiology of early stage treatment versus a patient suffering relapse after prior radiation treatment. We held a number of private meetings to provide in-depth discussions of our patient experience, the most extensive in Canada, as well as the significant benefits of Ablatherm-HIFU therapy."
In addition, the Toronto-based physicians will present the first series of results from treatments of North American patients who underwent Ablatherm- HIFU therapy at the Toronto clinic at the September 2006 Northeast Section Meeting of the American Urology Association in Ottawa. The presentation was accepted as part of the scientific section of the meeting.
Maple Leaf HIFU has seen increasing activity with treatments more than doubling from a year ago and ongoing growth trends in both treatments and patient inquiries. Details of the clinic and Ablatherm-HIFU therapy can be found online at the company's informative Web site located at
"Our education efforts based on the clinical benefits of Ablatherm-HIFU are clearly getting attention from patients serious about finding an effective and non invasive treatment option for localized prostate cancer," said Lowy. "Our web site has seen traffic from unique visitors double in the last six months and it is up tenfold from nine months ago. Our number of inquiries and referrals continues to grow every month, and we continue to see more patients electing for Ablatherm treatment. In addition, we have been receiving significant coverage in the media including a recent article about us in Canadian Business magazine."
"We are very pleased to see the continued progress of Ablatherm HIFU in Canada," said Hugues de Bantel, CEO of EDAP. "Maple Leaf HIFU has made a solid practice giving patients an attractive choice in the treatment of localized prostate cancer. They continue to demonstrate success in not only the treatment of prostate cancer using the Ablatherm-HIFU device, but also in creating a sound business practice and marketing program to educate patients about their choices in prostate cancer therapy."
EDAP TMS S.A. develops and markets Ablatherm, the most advanced and clinically proven choice for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of localized prostate cancer. HIFU treatment is shown to be a non invasive and effective treatment option with a low occurrence of side effects. Ablatherm-HIFU is generally recommended for patients with localized prostate cancer (stages T1-T2) who are not candidates for surgery or who prefer an alternative option or patients who failed radiotherapy treatment. The company is also developing this technology for the treatment of certain other types of tumors. EDAP TMS S.A. also produces and commercializes medical equipment for treatment of urinary tract stones using Extra-corporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL).
For more information on the Company, contact Halliburton Investor Relations at (972) 458-8000, the Corporate Investor Relations Dept at +33 (0)4 78 26 40 46 or see the Company's Web sites at http://www.edap-tms.comand
This press release contains, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. These include statements regarding the Company's growth and expansion plans. Such statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, those described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Ablatherm-HIFU treatment is in clinical trials but not yet FDA approved or marketed in the United States.
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